April 16th, 2013
The days of counting down are over. This morning I woke up, and it was as though I did a double take. One of those childhood moments when you jump up thinking, “Did Santa come yet?” Except this was a little different.
The sound of a rooster woke me, and with that came an array of birds singing in their different tones. Frequently through the night there were motorcycles whizzing by, children crying and darks barking. It’s the sound track of Costa Rica. A sound track of hope and a future.
After breakfast Jessie and I traveled down to the church to tidy up a bit. It was nice to be able to share my heart with someone who shared the same dreams as I. As I was working outside I kept thinking, “Where is Kevin!” Walking inside though he jumped out and scared me. I screamed/giggled with delight as I hugged my best friend from miles away. I was so happy to see him again! Thankfully the remainder of the morning was spent catching up on stories, and continuing to clean.
“God called you here again,” Kevin had said and I am so thankful for that!
Sadie and Cherry were up at their house, where we went and were able to visit. I remember Cherry from last year, for she was very quite. This time however, we giggled and laughed about the stupidest things, even a little crush she had on a friend of minel. Hehe. Joshua is her little boy, and what a cutie he is. I told them stories of when I was little and my Mom put soap in my mouth, and she laughed saying she’d spank someone with the spoons.
Alyssa and I played with the children this morning during the women group. It was hard to keep the kiddos quite when they were all screaming and giggling belly over. Genesis has grown so much, I remember her last year as a little baby and now walking and talking. It’s amazing, truly. The children sang into Alyssa’s mike, huddled around us was 10-15 children. Pure bliss.
One of my career ideas was to potentially go to school to teach English in other countries, and today I was able to work one on one with Shannon who was lead of teaching the English class. Enrolled in Lifting Hands are 150 or so students which is all lead by volunteers. Seeing the look on Maria’s face when she finally figured out the right verb tense filled her with laughter. Leaping for joy was a necessity, and having the opportunity to join with her in this celebration was a blessing.
GAME NIGHT- dun dun dun. The most intense game of spoons ever!
Meet KEVIN- mi hermano!
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