During February vacation a bunch of us youth were able to spend a weekend in Alton Bay, New Hampshire. Talk about much needed time off. So easily are we consumed by our daily notions. At the beginning of the weekend after prayer and discussion we all felt as though the weekend was meant to be used for stillness. Words such as "Trust, better relationship, confidence, and more faith" were written down.
The Holy Spirit was sweetly intense. Worship was lifting, and a refreshment of peace was restored in my own heart. Our youth leader, Sean gave us certain bible verses to read over. I always had known the Bible is dense in stories, yet I had never dug deep enough to realize that frequently there are stories written from different perceptions.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins- none of which were worthy of being forgiven and yet through Jesus we were given a new life. The longer one remains in the church the more times they most likely have heard the "Jesus loves you, He died for you" talk. Have you ever let this fact weigh heavenly on you? During a time of worship, I opened myself up- and the Holy Spirit over through me. I fell to my knees crying out to our God. Flashbacks of the filth and garbage that had grown in my life piled up.
I desperately wanted to forget about it all, move on and continue worshipping- yet God wouldn't have this. It was time for a spiritual cleanse. In the end of our hour worship session what began as tears, ended with a smile. What began as sobbing became rejoicing laughter.
We are blessed, oh so blessed to have such a forgiving, graceful God. His mercy upon us is so great, it is over bearing.
The Holy Spirit was sweetly intense. Worship was lifting, and a refreshment of peace was restored in my own heart. Our youth leader, Sean gave us certain bible verses to read over. I always had known the Bible is dense in stories, yet I had never dug deep enough to realize that frequently there are stories written from different perceptions.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins- none of which were worthy of being forgiven and yet through Jesus we were given a new life. The longer one remains in the church the more times they most likely have heard the "Jesus loves you, He died for you" talk. Have you ever let this fact weigh heavenly on you? During a time of worship, I opened myself up- and the Holy Spirit over through me. I fell to my knees crying out to our God. Flashbacks of the filth and garbage that had grown in my life piled up.
I desperately wanted to forget about it all, move on and continue worshipping- yet God wouldn't have this. It was time for a spiritual cleanse. In the end of our hour worship session what began as tears, ended with a smile. What began as sobbing became rejoicing laughter.
We are blessed, oh so blessed to have such a forgiving, graceful God. His mercy upon us is so great, it is over bearing.
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