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Unforeseen Joy

April 18th

              I love awakening in this community. Everything about it makes my heart swell with joy, but at the same time there is a deep aching feeling from within.  The dogs bark, the rooster crows and people begin there day.  By 5 am the first bus has left to the city.  The people here for the most part are slow wakers.  It’s as though the city is a little radio that starts on low, and by the afternoon with the hustle and bustle of everything has been turned on high.  

            This morning was extremely slow, the men had set out on a work project up in the Mangos.  Alyssa showed me the footage she had shot so far, and I learned a lot in the few minutes her and I were talking about it. God has blessed her with such a talent and it’s sweet that she is fulfilling it with His will.  So often people waste there God given talents, but a special notion of this team is many of us are using these talents to bring smiling faces to the people here. 

           We took a trip to visit the Mangos, but first we traveled up to the high place to visit Carmen.  We prayed for her and her family, and it was so very bittersweet.  The house is surrounded by depression and drugs, and Carmen a women with a heart full of serving has been doing her best to hold it up herself.  We reminded her that it’s OKAY to pass those burdens over to God.  He sent his son, Jesus to die for us so that we may lay our burdens and be saved from our sins at the foot of the cross.  I remember visiting her last year, for she a deep wound was on top of her foot.  Julie and I had walked up and put ointment on it, and re-bandaged it.  Yesterday over a year later I was able to look at the healed scars on her foot. Thank God for people like Julie who were able to help her, for easily she could have become very ill if it had not been treated correctly.  Even after praying for her, we felt the need to continue to pray.

         Alyssa, and Jesse and I sat down and prayed over the community.  Down below us we could see practically the entire city of Los Anonos.  I found out the other day, that the city of Escazu literally runs there suiage (poop) down into the city.  It’s sad.  The government payed for a bridge to be put it in Los Anonos, yet they turn a blind eye to how wrong it is to send there waste down to them.  I pray God opens there eyes even more, then those who are part of Lifting hands.  

The view from the "High Place" 

Left to right (Alyssa, me, Jesse) 

          The Cabrada was right below us, and we could see men walking to go do crack in the bunkers.  We had our hands raised over the city praying and they thought we were waving to them so they started waving back.  Restoration, hope, and dreams were prayed over the community.  Protection for the children and women, both mentally, physically and emotionally as well.  
Face paint, oh the joys of face paint.  It never ceases to amaze me how easily entertained kids are.  For about an hour a group of four or five little ones used Alyssa and I as white Canvas’s.  The paint didn’t show up well against there skin, but with us as white as paper they were in their galore say the least! Flowers, butterflies, hearts, smilies all were drawn numerous times.  Continuously I had to hide my face saying, “No..No..mas por favor" (no more please)  

How could anyone say no to this adorable little man!?

           Shannon and I went down to teach another English class, however I was so tired from my sun burn I almost fell asleep.  I met Tito’s Aunt, oh boy is she a riot!  As every other tico and tica here the first thing they noticed was my red skin. I’m a lobster I tell them, I am from Maine.  
           After supper Fredorico and I began to talk, and for some reason we hit it off quite well. He’s hilarious and I actually was on a roll at being funny.  Then of course Chris Morrison yelled out, “If you like it then you better put a ring on it!”  Him and I both just laughed.  He told me he was getting a cold and the “herbalist that I am” I joked helped him out by giving him some grape fruit seed extract. Before worship we continued to talk, sharing our hearts on traveling.  

         Worship was filling.  Sadie and I danced together during a few of the songs.  Though the language is different it really is no barrier, especially when worshiping the same God.  At the end I began to cry and I could not stop.  By heart was overwhelmed for the community, my heart just poured out more and more. 

I went to bed crying, but I woke up joyful.  


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