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The Power of a Smile

Stop correcting "i"The smell of burnt coffee beans fills the air. I can hear buzzes of cellphones, murmurs of friends talking in line- and the occasional whoosh of the expresso machine. As I look out the small coffee shop window I see a diverse city, a puzzle of God's wonderful creation. This week I have had the opportunity to connect with many people, all in different part of their life.  Conversations have ranged from embarrassing subway stories, to struggles within the health care system, to future hopes and dreams.  I answered the question, 'Where is Maine?" so many times this week I can not keep count. 

We are currently partnering with the Salvation Army in Harlem, New York. During the day we help at a food kitchen- mainly creating relationships with the community; loving them and praying for them.  In the afternoons I help in a classroom of 1st graders, their teacher being another young college student. She is currently in school to be a lawyer, and we've shared our similar love for the criminal justice system.  I've had little experience working with children, so it has been a new and exciting journey for me!

Yesterday I was called a missionary for the very first time and I walked away pondering this thought. Though from the outside I may be serving at the Salvation Army I can honestly say the love and lessons I'm learning here has far surpassed any amount of service I could ever give.  I remember serving a young gentleman his plate only to have him come up later. I was accustomed to reminding people seconds are served at 12:30, but instead he look down shyly before saying- "I got down the block and realized I never gave a proper thank you, so thank you ladies- truly."  It was a kind gesture, and this little bit of light encouraged me through out the rest of the day. I'm learning to love and serve in new ways. People who you "expect" to be grateful may swear and curse at you instead. You can understand my shock when I handed an individual a plate and it was returned with "Give me seconds or I'll burn your car down!" 

You smile. You love. And you continue to pray, because under the anger and frustration I see brokenness and pain.  But above all I see a daughter of the most high King. In the midst of the trials I see Jesus. When brokenness leads to healing, and hurt leaves to saving. When shame leads to grace, and peace covers fear.  When heartache leads to wholeness- when you stop and remember that JESUS is the ultimate redeemer. God calls us to "sympathetic, love one another and compassionate (1 Peter 3:8). 

When we humble ourselves before God, when we immerse ourselves into the uncomfortable- we enter into a place where we can love onto others.  When we are obedient to His calling we have the room to grow in unseen ways. I know the days to come will not always be easy, nor will they be comfortable- but I am beyond excited to see the work of God take place.  The bible tells us, "No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us" (1 John 4:12)

Dear God,

      As I continue on this trip I pray you will keep my heart soft, my eyes open and my ears ready to hear your voice. I pray for each of the individuals I have already met, that you will cover them in protection and send them blessings of love and comfort. I pray for those I have yet to meet, God that you are working in their lives already. I pray for my teammates as we begin to prepare for the next leg of our journey to Jamaica. Teach us your ways, Lord- and give us the strength to be warriors for you.

                -With love,
                           Mariah DuFour


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