Have you ever been watching the news and a horrific story came on and you change it, thinking I don’t need to be hearing about that? I’ll admit I have and I would be arrogant to think that just because I change the station that the horrors stop. As I lay down to rest at night no longer do I go over the plans of tomorrow, but I find myself thinking about the young children just getting up, beginning to plaster on their make up, get their quotas and hit the track. Forget curfews these children have a job to get done, money to make and for whom? Their boyfriend, their pimp and if they do not make their quota a beaten awaits. A child does not begin to grow up thinking, “I want to be a prostitute” in fact a child prostitute legally can’t consent to sex. Under federal law age of consent is 18, which means any child who has sex even wil...